Greenville Smiles | Greenville, SC

VELscope Cancer Screening

VELscope Cancer Screening

The VELscope is an advanced oral assessment technology system that offers clinicians the ability to visualize oral tissue abnormalities that may indicate the presence of oral cancer or pre-malignant dysplasia. This innovative technology is a cornerstone of the comprehensive dental care provided at Greenville Smiles in Greenville, SC.

The way the VELscope works is simple yet effective. This handheld scope utilizes an imaging modality that is sensitive to changes in the natural tissue fluorescence of the oral mucosa. This means it can detect subtle shifts in your oral tissues that could be early signs of oral cancer or dysplasia, conditions that could otherwise go unnoticed until they progress further.

So, how does it work in practice? When you come in for an oral cancer screening visit, your dental professional will incorporate a VELscope evaluation into the session. The process is quick and painless, designed to cause no discomfort. The VELscope is a handheld device that emits a bright blue light. As the light scans your mouth, it interacts with the tissue inside, causing it to fluoresce, or glow. This fluorescence allows your dental professional to distinguish healthy soft tissue from tissue that has undergone pathological changes.

For instance, healthy oral tissue will emit a bright green fluorescence, while areas of concern will show a loss of fluorescence, appearing dark under the VELscope's light. This is a visual indication of tissue changes that could be a sign of oral cancer or pre-malignant conditions. The VELscope makes these changes visible in a way that is not possible with the naked eye, ensuring any abnormalities are caught in the earliest stages.

In sum, the VELscope is an excellent addition to a periodic head and neck exam. It not only helps in early detection of oral cancer and pre-malignant dysplasia, but it also contributes to your peace of mind, knowing that your oral health is being monitored with the most advanced technology available. Trust in the comprehensive, compassionate care provided by Greenville Smiles with the help of the VELscope, an advanced tool that leads the way in proactive oral health care.

VELscope Cancer Screening Care FAQs

What makes the VELscope different from other oral cancer screening methods?

The VELscope is unique because it uses fluorescence visualization technology to detect abnormal oral tissue changes that may indicate the presence of cancer or pre-malignant dysplasia. This means it can highlight pathological changes not visible to the naked eye, enabling earlier detection and treatment.

Is the VELscope examination painful?

No, the VELscope examination is completely painless. The device is a handheld scope that emits a blue light, which when shone in the mouth, causes tissues to fluoresce. This process does not cause any discomfort to the patient.

How often should I have a VELscope examination?

The frequency of VELscope examinations should be determined in consultation with your dental professional at Greenville Smiles. However, it is typically recommended as an adjunct to a periodic head and neck exam for comprehensive oral health monitoring.

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