Greenville Smiles | Greenville, SC



At Greenville Smiles, the process of obtaining a dental bridge is designed to be as straightforward and stress-free as possible. The journey to restore your oral health commences when you have experienced tooth loss, leading to a series of changes that can negatively impact your overall dental health and jaw function. Adjacent teeth may begin to lean or tilt into the vacated space, and teeth in the opposing jaw may commence a shift towards the area of the missing tooth. To prevent these consequences and to restore full functionality to the edentulous section of the mouth, a dental bridge becomes one of the most effective solutions.

A dental bridge works by replacing the missing teeth with artificial ones, referred to as "pontics." These pontics are supported on each end by natural teeth that have been prepared for this function. This preparation involves the recontouring of the supporting teeth by removing a portion of enamel to allow room for a crown to be placed over them.

Once the supporting teeth have been appropriately prepared, we make a precise impression of your teeth, which is then sent to a dental lab for the creation of your permanent bridge. While your custom-made dental bridge is being fabricated, we provide a temporary bridge to protect the exposed teeth and gums.

The final step in the process is the fitting of the permanent bridge. Following the removal of your temporary bridge, the new bridge will be checked and adjusted to achieve a proper fit. Once the fit is just right, the dental bridge is permanently "fixed" into place with dental cement. The result is a dental solution that feels natural, offering both aesthetic appeal and functional stability.

As for the material of the bridge, Greenville Smiles provides options that cater to your unique needs. Like crowns, bridges can be composed of porcelain baked onto a metal substrate or a variety of the new ceramic materials that have been developed. Ultimately, the choice ensures a durable and natural-looking bridge that seamlessly blends with your existing teeth, restoring your smile and your confidence.

Bridges Care FAQs

What does the process of getting a dental bridge at Greenville Smiles entail?

The process begins with the recontouring of the supporting teeth by removing a portion of enamel to allow room for a crown. A precise impression of your teeth is then made and sent to a dental lab for the creation of your permanent bridge. In the interim, a temporary bridge is provided to protect the exposed teeth and gums. The final step involves the fitting of the permanent bridge, which is adjusted for a proper fit and permanently fixed into place with dental cement.

What is the role of a dental bridge?

A dental bridge is used to fill the gap left by a missing tooth. It prevents adjacent teeth from leaning or tilting into the vacated space and teeth in the opposing jaw from shifting towards the missing tooth area, thereby maintaining overall dental health and jaw function.

What materials does Greenville Smiles use for their dental bridges?

Greenville Smiles offers a variety of materials for their dental bridges. Like crowns, bridges can be composed of porcelain baked onto a metal substrate or a variety of the new ceramic materials that have been developed. The choice of material ensures a durable and natural-looking bridge that blends seamlessly with your existing teeth.

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