Greenville Smiles | Greenville, SC

Root Canals

Root Canals

Endodontics, or root canal therapy, is a specialized service offered at Greenville Smiles. The procedure is typically required when the nerve supply to a tooth is irreversibly damaged by decay or injury. It is a strategic approach to prevent or help resolve a dental infection and save a natural tooth from extraction. The prime objective is to ensure the preservation of enough sound root and crown structure that can eventually restore form and function to the affected tooth.

Inside every tooth, whether it is a single central chamber or multiple ones, there exists connective tissue, a nerve supply, and blood vessels. These core tissues, known as the dental pulp, assist your tooth to grow and mature before it emerges into the mouth. Root canal therapy becomes necessary when this dental pulp is irreversibly damaged or has died.

The root canal procedure at our clinic is gentle, precise, and aims at ensuring a pain-free experience for our patients. We employ advanced technology for the treatment, adding to its efficiency and effectiveness. The process involves cleaning and shaping each canal, followed by filling them with a special inert material. This is done meticulously to avoid any subsequent infection.

Once the root canal therapy is completed, the tooth is fully restored as recommended. It is this combination of expert treatment and restoration that ensures the preservation of your natural teeth and alleviation of dental pain.

In essence, root canal therapy at Greenville Smiles is not just about treating a dental issue. It is about restoring your radiant smile and ensuring your oral health is at its optimum level. With our experienced endodontists and advanced technology, you can trust that you'll receive the best treatment possible. The comfort and satisfaction of our patients are of paramount importance, and we strive to ensure an experience that is positive and stress-free.

Root Canals Care FAQs

What is the goal of root canal therapy at Greenville Smiles?

The goal of root canal therapy at Greenville Smiles is to prevent or resolve dental infections and save a natural tooth from extraction. Our expert endodontists ensure the preservation of enough sound root and crown structure to restore form and function to the affected tooth.

How does the root canal procedure at Greenville Smiles ensure a pain-free experience?

Greenville Smiles ensures a pain-free root canal procedure by using advanced technology and employing gentle, precise techniques. The treatment involves cleaning and shaping each canal, and then filling them with a special inert material, which is done meticulously to avoid any subsequent infections.

Why would I require root canal therapy?

Root canal therapy becomes necessary when the dental pulp – the connective tissue, nerve supply, and blood vessels within a tooth – is irreversibly damaged or has died. This damage can be caused by decay or injury. This therapy aims to preserve your natural teeth and alleviate any associated dental pain.

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