Greenville Smiles | Greenville, SC

AgeJET Skin Resurfacing


The journey to rejuvenating your smile begins with a simple, non-invasive procedure courtesy of AgeJET. This innovative treatment is reshaping the face of dental wellness, allowing individuals to rediscover their confidence and face the world head-on with a radiant, youthful smile.

So, how exactly does AgeJET work? The technology focuses on the restoration of the natural structure of your teeth. This is a fundamental aspect of maintaining a young appearance because as we age, our teeth inevitably wear down and lose their youthful shape and size. AgeJET's technology tackles this challenge by using a proprietary substance to rebuild and reshape your teeth, essentially "turning back time" and allowing you to regain the youthful proportions of your smile.

The procedure itself is remarkably straightforward. The proprietary substance used in AgeJET treatment is applied to your teeth in a series of layers. Each layer is meticulously crafted and shaped by our skilled dental professionals to ensure a natural look and feel. This layering technique allows us to build up your teeth gradually, ensuring a perfectly balanced and well-proportioned result. The final result is a smile that not only looks younger but also feels comfortable and natural.

What sets AgeJET apart is the precision that its technology affords. Traditional dental procedures can often result in changes to your appearance that are too drastic, leading to a smile that looks unnatural. On the other hand, the AgeJET technology allows us to make subtle, incremental changes to your teeth, resulting in a transformation that is both beautiful and believably youthful.

Moreover, the AgeJET process is designed to be as comfortable and efficient as possible. The treatment does not involve any surgery or invasive procedures, which means that there is minimal discomfort and no downtime. You can literally walk out of your appointment with a rejuvenated, youthful smile.

AgeJET is more than just a dental treatment; it’s a pathway to restoring your confidence and truly transforming the way you feel about your smile. By focusing on restoring the natural, youthful proportions of your teeth, it provides a simple, effective solution to the age-old challenge of maintaining a youthful appearance. Rediscover your confidence and face the world with a radiant smile today with AgeJET.

AgeJET Care FAQs

What is the recovery process like after an AgeJET treatment?

The recovery process after an AgeJET treatment is minimal, largely due to the non-invasive nature of the procedure. Unlike many dental procedures, there is no need for a recovery period and you can literally walk out of the appointment with a rejuvenated, youthful smile.

How does AgeJET ensure a natural-looking result?

AgeJET ensures a natural-looking result by using a proprietary substance applied in layers to your teeth. Each layer is carefully crafted and shaped by our skilled dental professionals. This layering technique allows for the gradual build-up of your teeth, ensuring a well-balanced and proportioned result. Additionally, AgeJET's technology allows for subtle, incremental changes, resulting in a transformation that is both beautiful and believably youthful.

Is AgeJET suitable for everyone seeking a youthful smile?

AgeJET is suitable for most people who wish to rejuvenate their smiles and regain their youthful appearance. However, each individual's dental health and needs are different. Therefore, we highly recommend scheduling a consultation at Greenville Smiles to ascertain if AgeJET is the right treatment for you.

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